Tuesday, December 28, 2010

5 Pemimpin terkorup

1. Mohammad Suharto.
Soharto adalah Presiden kedua
dan ia menjabat kepala negara
selama 32 tahun. Menurut
laporan terbaru ia adalah salah
satu politisi paling korup di
dunia, Trasnparency
internasional telah
menempatkan dia di atas daftar
politisi paling korup dan
pengkritiknya menuduh dia
menggelapkan sekitar $ 15-30
Miliar selama pemerintahannya.
Mohamad Soharto juga
disalahkan atas kematian 100.000
orang Timor Timur selama
pemerintahannya 24 tahun.
2. Ferdinand Marcos.
Adalah seorang dengan profesi
pengacara dan menjabat sebagai
Presiden Filipina 1965-1986,
menurut perkiraan dia menjarah
sekitar $ 5 hingga 10 miliar dari
kekayaan publik Pemerintah
Filipina. Pada tahun 1986
gerakan masyarakat yang sangat
populer disebut ” people power
” memaksa Ferdinand Marcos
dan keluarganya untuk pergi ke
pengasingan di Hawaii, di mana
ia meninggal tiga tahun
3. Sani Abacha.
militer Nigeria 1993-1998, yang
menurut transparansi
internasional ia merampok uang
Pemerintah senilai $ 5
Miliar yang sama dengan 10%
dari pendapatan tahunan Nigeria
dari minyak dalam 5 tahun
pemerintahannya. Menurut
laporan berita, pada tahun 2002,
keluarga Abacha setuju untuk
mengembalikan $
yang diambil dari bank sentral.
Selain biaya korupsi beliau juga
bertanggung jawab dengan
pelanggaran hak asasi manusia,
ia meninggal karena serangan
jantung pada bulan Juni 1998.
4. Mobutu Sese Seko. Menjabat
sebagai Presiden Zaire
1965-1997, menurut laporan
oleh Transparansi internasional,
Mobutu Sese Seko adalah
pemimpin ketiga dunia yang
paling korup dalam dua dekade
terakhir menjarah lebih dari $ 5
milyar USD dari negaranya.
Menurut laporan terbaru dia
kebanyakan menjarah uang
bantuan yang diterima dari Bank
Dunia untuk pengembangan
Kongo yang menerima sekitar $
12 miliar dalam 32 tahun
5. Joseph Estrada.
Adalah Presiden
13 dari Filipina, menjabat dari
tahun 1998 sampai 2001 dan dia
juga sangat populer sebagai
aktor film Phillpinese, karier
filmnya adalah sekitar 33 tahun.
Pada bulan Oktober 2000,
Gubernur Ilocos Sur, Luis
“Chavit” Singson, teman dekat
Estrada, mengatakan bahwa ia
sendiri telah diberi 400 juta Peso
oleh Presiden sebagai imbalan
balik dari jueteng tersembunyi di
sebuah rekening bank yang
dikenal sebagai “Jose Velarde”,
serta P180 juta dari harga subsidi
pemerintah untuk kerjasama
pemasaran petani tembakau,
John Estrada harus
mengundurkan diri setelah
impeachment diperintahkan oleh
Dewan perwakilan.

5 Pemimpin terkorup

1. Mohammad Suharto.
Soharto adalah Presiden kedua
dan ia menjabat kepala negara
selama 32 tahun. Menurut
laporan terbaru ia adalah salah
satu politisi paling korup di
dunia, Trasnparency
internasional telah
menempatkan dia di atas daftar
politisi paling korup dan
pengkritiknya menuduh dia
menggelapkan sekitar $ 15-30
Miliar selama pemerintahannya.
Mohamad Soharto juga
disalahkan atas kematian 100.000
orang Timor Timur selama
pemerintahannya 24 tahun.
2. Ferdinand Marcos.
Adalah seorang dengan profesi
pengacara dan menjabat sebagai
Presiden Filipina 1965-1986,
menurut perkiraan dia menjarah
sekitar $ 5 hingga 10 miliar dari
kekayaan publik Pemerintah
Filipina. Pada tahun 1986
gerakan masyarakat yang sangat
populer disebut ” people power
” memaksa Ferdinand Marcos
dan keluarganya untuk pergi ke
pengasingan di Hawaii, di mana
ia meninggal tiga tahun
3. Sani Abacha.
militer Nigeria 1993-1998, yang
menurut transparansi
internasional ia merampok uang
Pemerintah senilai $ 5
Miliar yang sama dengan 10%
dari pendapatan tahunan Nigeria
dari minyak dalam 5 tahun
pemerintahannya. Menurut
laporan berita, pada tahun 2002,
keluarga Abacha setuju untuk
mengembalikan $
yang diambil dari bank sentral.
Selain biaya korupsi beliau juga
bertanggung jawab dengan
pelanggaran hak asasi manusia,
ia meninggal karena serangan
jantung pada bulan Juni 1998.
4. Mobutu Sese Seko. Menjabat
sebagai Presiden Zaire
1965-1997, menurut laporan
oleh Transparansi internasional,
Mobutu Sese Seko adalah
pemimpin ketiga dunia yang
paling korup dalam dua dekade
terakhir menjarah lebih dari $ 5
milyar USD dari negaranya.
Menurut laporan terbaru dia
kebanyakan menjarah uang
bantuan yang diterima dari Bank
Dunia untuk pengembangan
Kongo yang menerima sekitar $
12 miliar dalam 32 tahun
5. Joseph Estrada.
Adalah Presiden
13 dari Filipina, menjabat dari
tahun 1998 sampai 2001 dan dia
juga sangat populer sebagai
aktor film Phillpinese, karier
filmnya adalah sekitar 33 tahun.
Pada bulan Oktober 2000,
Gubernur Ilocos Sur, Luis
“Chavit” Singson, teman dekat
Estrada, mengatakan bahwa ia
sendiri telah diberi 400 juta Peso
oleh Presiden sebagai imbalan
balik dari jueteng tersembunyi di
sebuah rekening bank yang
dikenal sebagai “Jose Velarde”,
serta P180 juta dari harga subsidi
pemerintah untuk kerjasama
pemasaran petani tembakau,
John Estrada harus
mengundurkan diri setelah
impeachment diperintahkan oleh
Dewan perwakilan.

10 negara terkorup di dunia

Jaman sekarang, yang namanya
korupsi,kolusi, dan nepotisme
adalah barang biasa bagi
sebagian besar negara. Yang
namanya korupsi memang
sangat sulit dihindari dan
dihilangkan seluruhnya. Hal ini
dikarenakan masih ada saja
orang-orang bermental tempe
yang selalu mencuri uang yang
bukan haknya. Hampir semua
negara di dunia ini pasti ada
kasus korupsi, hanya saja besar
kecilnya lah yang berbeda
masing-masing negara.
Dan dari survey yang dilakukan
badan independen dari 146
negara, tercatat data 10 besar
negara yang dinyatakan sebagai
negara terkorup, negara mana
sajakah itu.?inilah sepuluh
negara tersebut..
1. Azerbaijan
2. Bangladesh
3. Bolivia
4. kamerun
5. Indonesia
6. Irak
7. Kenya
8. Nigeria
9. Pakistan
10. Rusia.
Tambahan : dari daftar di atas,
negara kita berada di peringkat
ke 5 negara terkorup di dunia,
tapi di tingkat asia pasifik, negara
kita adalah yang terkorup.
berikut adalah 5 besar negara
paling korup di Asia-Pasifik :
1. Indonesia
2. Kamboja
3. Vietnam
4. Filipina
5. India

Penemu benda-benda penting

Penemu Mesin uap Adalah James
Watt Berasal dari Negara Inggris
Penemu Mesin 4 tak Adalah
Nicolaus Otto Berasal dari
Negara Jerman
Penemu Mesin diesel Adalah
Rudolf Diesel Berasal dari
Negara Jerman
Penemu Mesin cetak Adalah
Johannes Guttenberg Berasal
dari Negara Jerman
Penemu Mesin ketik Adalah
Christopher Sholes Berasal dari
Negara Amerika
Penemu Radio Adalah C.
Marconi Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Televisi Adalah J.L. Baird
& C.F. Jenkins Berasal dari
Negara Amerika
Penemu Telegrap Adalah Samuel
F.B. Morse Berasal dari Negara
Amerika Serikat
Penemu Telepon Adalah
Alexander Graham Bell Berasal
dari Negara Amerika Serikat
(Versi Lama)
Penemu Telepon Adalah Antonio
Meucci Berasal dari Negara Italia
(Versi Baru)
Penemu Dinamo Adalah Michael
Faraday Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Elektromagnet Adalah
Williarn Sturgeon Berasal dari
Negara Inggris
Penemu Bola lampu Adalah
Thomas Alva Edison Berasal dari
Negara Amerika Serikat
Penemu Proyektor film Adalah
Thomas Alva Edison Berasal dari
Negara Amerika Serikat
Penemu Piringan hitam Adalah
Alexander Graham Bell Berasal
dari Negara Amerika Serikat
Penemu Batu baterai Adalah
Volta Berasal dari Negara Italia
Penemu Termometer Adalah
Galileo Galilei Berasal dari
Negara Italia
Penemu Korek api Adalah
Robert Boyle, John Walker
Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Kapal api Adalah Robert
Fulton Berasal dari Negara
Amerika Serikat
Penemu Kapal selam Adalah
Cornelius van Drebbel Berasal
dari Negara Belanda
Penemu Sinar Rontgen Adalah
Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen Berasal
dari Negara Jerman
Penemu Pesawat terbang Adalah
Wilbur dan 0. Wright Berasal dari
Negara Amerika
Penemu Kereta api Adalah
Murdocks Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Sepeda Adalah Civrac
Berasal dari Negara Prancis
Penemu Balon terbang Adalah
Sir F. Whittle Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Balon karet Adalah
Josep dan J. Montgolfier Berasal
dari Negara
Penemu Ban karet Adalah
Charles Goodyear Berasal dari
Negara Amerika
Penemu Barometer Adalah
Evangelista, Torricelli Berasal dari
Negara Italia
Penemu Dinamit Adalah Alfred
Nobel Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Lensa kaca mata Adalah
Benyamin Franklin Berasal dari
Penemu Mesin hitung Adalah
Blaise Pascal Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Mobil Adalah Gottlich
Daimler Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Motor Adalah Nikola
Tesla Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Tank Adalah Sir Ernest
Swinton Berasal dari Negara

2 Orang penemu google

SUDAH satu dekade Microsoft
tidak menemukan lawan
setimpal di ranah bisnis internet
dan komputer. Tak terlintas
dalam pikiran Bill Gates bahwa
lawan setimpal itu akhirnya
muncul dari dua sosok anak
muda, Larry Page dan Sergey
Brin. Dua anak muda yang suka
pesta dan makan enak itu, kini
membetot seluruh sumber daya
Page dan Brin adalah dua
pendiri mesin pencari Google.
Dari sebuah
proyek penelitian tingkat
doktoral di Universitas Stanford,
90-an, kini mesin pencari Google
menjelma menjadi megaproyek.
Tahun 1998, Page dan Brin
berhasil meyakinkan seorang
investor yang
bersedia menanamkan modal US
$100 untuk pengembangan
mesin pencari yang
belum punya nama. Semua itu
diperoleh setelah Page dan Brin
beberapa investor dan pemilik
perusahaan modal ventura di
Silicon Valley. Para investor
sudah tak yakin lagi bahwa
booming di dunia internet akan
Dengan modal US$100 ribu,
Page dan Brin berhasil
kawan-kawan dan familinya
untuk menanam modal hingga
modalnya genap
US$1 juta. Dengan tekad,
keduanya cuti sebagai mahasiswa
doktoral di
Universitas Stanford dan total
mengembangkan Google –sebuah
nama yang
lahir karena salah ketik.
Ketika karyawan Google
mencapai belasan orang, Brin
meminta seorang
koki berpengalaman untuk
bekerja melayani selera
karyawan yang
‘dijajah’ oleh McDonald. Brin
dengan optimistis mengatakan,
Google akan
berkembang pesat dan menjadi
tempat bekerja bagi ribuan
orang tecerdas
di muka bumi. Sang koki sangat
bersemangat hingga akhirnya
tahu bahwa
kantor di Google tidak ada
dapur. Ia akhirnya mundur
teratur dan
menganggap Brin hanya
membual (hlm 220).
Ternyata Brin tidak membual. Ia
hanya memamerkan sikap
kepada orang yang salah.
Perkembangan Google semakin
melebihi fantasi dan imajinasi
paling liar yang dimiliki Page dan
Padahal pada 1998, untuk
menentukan siapa CEO dan
Chairman Google saja,
Brin dan Page memasrahkan
pada hasil lemparan koin (hlm
Semangat main-main, iseng, dan
sekaligus serius terus mewarnai
kehidupan di kantor Google
yang diberi nama Googleplex.
Googleplex didesain meriah,
dengan menempatkan camilan
makanan di
tempat strategis. Beberapa
karyawan bahkan hilir-mudik
dengan skateboard.
Yang lainnya asyik main biliar
atau berenang. Sebagian lagi
dengan ditemani anjing
kesayangan mereka. Dan yang
terpenting, setiap
makan siang mereka selalu
mendapat menu yang sehat dan
Tujuan Page dan Brin jelas.
Karyawan harus ceria dan
Ketidaklaziman di Googleplex ini
menjadi buah bibir kalangan
di Silicon Valley. Dikombinasikan
dengan sikap royal Page dan
dalam membagi opsi saham.
Secara teratur, insinyur-insinyur
yang dimiliki Microsoft hengkang
ke Google. Secara berseloroh
buku Kisah Sukses Google
mengatakan bahwa Bill Gates
seolah-olah memimpin sebuah
biro tenaga kerja yang
pekerjanya disalurkan ke Google.
Inilah yang membuat Bill Gates
geram dan bertekad mencari
melumpuhkan Google. Apalagi
ternyata Google mulai main api
membajak karyawan Microsoft
dan mulai meluncurkan lini
produk yang
selama ini dikangkangi Microsoft.
Yang paling mutakhir, Google
meluncurkan browser Firefox
menantang kemapanan Explorer.
Tapi segala cara yang ditempuh
Microsoft tidak mempan
menahan laju
Google. Karyawan-karyawan
Microsoft tetap berduyun-duyun
pindah ke
Google. Lulusan-lulusan terbaik
universitas mapan di AS juga
Google di daftar teratas untuk
tempat meniti karier. Berkat
produk-produk barunya,
semakin banyak pengguna
internet yang tergantung
pada Google.
Semuanya membuat prestasi
Google semakin tak terkejar oleh
pesaingnya. Bahkan belum
genap setahun mencatatkan diri
di bursa saham
Nasdaq, kapitalisasi pasar Google
sudah melampaui e-Bay,
Amazon, dan
Yahoo! Bahkan perusahaan
berusia puluhan tahun seperti
McDonald, Ford,
dan Disney juga sudah dilewati

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mandi Dolar tanpa modal

Dear teman-teman semua,.. Pada posting kali ini, saya ingin menyampaikan sebuah kabar
gembira untuk Anda semua. Kabar gembiranya adalah: telah diluncurkan sebuah jaringan PPC
baru, bernama NegeriAds.Com.
PPC Ads Network lagi? Betul sekali. Tapi tentu, jaringan baru ini tidak akan seperti yang
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untung untuk semua pihak.
Bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk menjadi advertiser, untuk menyebarkan iklan tentang produk-
produk Anda, atau produk-produk yang Anda affiliasikan, bisa mulai mencoba untuk
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Cost per Click (CPC) sangat murah, hanya mulai Rp 400 / klik / iklan. Dan dengan dilindungi
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uang yang Anda keluarkan tidak sia-sia.
Bagi para affiliate dan reseller, Anda bisa menjadikan jaringan NegeriAds.Com pilihan alternatif
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melakukan hal serupa plus merekomendasikan jaringan baru ini kepada para affiliate dan
reseller Anda (karena persaingan di jaringan PPC lain sudah ketat).
Untuk mereka yang ingin menjadikan blog / website yang sudah dimiliki sebagai sebuah mesin
uang, segeralah bergabung menjadi publisher NegeriAds.Com, dan mulai jaring komisi dari klak-
klik pengunjung pada blog / website Anda. Pendaftaran publisher 100% GRATIS.
NegeriAds.Com memberikan sharing profit yang adil, 50%-50% antara network owner dan
para publisher. Untuk jenis dan ukuran iklan, disediakan berbagai ukuran iklan berbasis text
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Minimum payout hanya Rp 25.000 dan dibayar dalam waktu 7-14 hari setelah request komisi
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pembayaran setelah 30 atau bahkan 40 hari setelah payout diminta... mana mau nunggu lama-
lama kan?
Kesimpulannya, NegeriAds adalah tempat yang tepat bila Anda ingin menjadi seorang
Advertoser atau Publisher untuk market Indonesia. Jadi untuk Anda yang ingin tahu lebih
banyak tentang NegeriAds.Com dan ingin mendaftar (sebagai Advertiser atupun Publisher),
silakan segera datang ke:
•••> http://negeriads.com/index.php?r=10834
Selamat mencoba menjadi publisher NegeriAds.
Salam sukses untuk Anda!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Motivation function

My post is now talking about motivation. Motivation is very important to your success, job,
life, love, family and company. But, now I discuss about the organization. And this is related to
the article I have ever read on one website. And I liked this piece reviews. Alignment of goals,
objectives and values among the staff, teams and organizations is the most fundamental aspect
of motivation. The better alignment and personal relationship with organizational objectives, the
better platform for motivation. Where do people find it difficult to align and associate with
organizational objectives, then the idea of the most motivating and activities would have
decreased the level of success. Motivation is a complex area. This is different for each person.
See the personality ingredient useful explanation of the different motivational needs. And part
of the learning experience to explain the difference between, 'demotivational training' and
'motivation to learn', and guides to facilitate learning activities experience. Motivational
readiness and potential changes to every person from day to day, from situation to situation.
Getting the right alignment and values, and methods of motivation work better. motivation of
any method will not work if the people and organizations that are not aligned. People are
motivated towards something they can relate to and something they can believe Time has
changed. People want more. You should see on my blog motivation methods and ideas as a
structure. All people have the right to succeed. You have to learn from successful people
around you, read a book about the spirit and motivation, the most important distinction is that
you haarus ready to face the challenges to success.
Remember! They can, you can ...


My post today explains a little about my blog. This blog discusses about internet business,
motivation, affiliate marketing, successful tricks and also blogging. I have an interest in the field
of motivation, inspiration, advice, business info. Hopefully in the future to run well. And
hopefully my present post in this blog to give benefits to the readers and visitors of this blog.
Follow Your Heart Words to achieve Success I hope all readers of this blog to get around the
information and motivation to reach deeper in achieving success in this life. Let us end the
dream and immediately do an action to pick up my offline keberhasilan.Bisnis successful and
now is a company engaged in services. Now I began to learn to try a business online, starting
from only looking for business information, ultimately interested in performing the action.
Apparently a lot of lessons that we do not know. I got a lot of knowledge from business on the
internet. The most important thing we have to carefully read every chance that we can,
because this business is not as easy as we imagine.

Contacts and information,
Site blog: http://motivationofbusiness.blogspot.com
Email 1 : ghaibsupranatural@gmail.com
Email 2 :indrawibowojaati@gmail.com
Phonsel: 0812 5952 6444 / 0856 4614 7444

Thank You & success for you.

Indra Wibowo

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Success is built inch by inch

Success is built inch by inch, every day. So successful did not come at once, nor does it come
suddenly, but developed little by little, inch by inch, every day. One inch of every day talking
about the things we do are disciplined every day, simple things. Many people who see it will
say, what the heck? Just an inch, what does that mean? If we only see at a glance, there is no
difference between those who diligently built inch by inch with a person whose life is without a
dream. People who see it will say, ah ... same, there is no difference. Indeed, at first will look the
same, there is no difference. But wait another five years, people continue to build an inch by an
inch would have reached a height of ten meters, while those without dreams just three meters!
Wait ten more years, then the difference will be even greater! Incredible. Therefore we try to
find an inch each, and then do it faithfully. Why? Because success is built inch by inch, every

How did they succead?

How did they succeed and why they fail? The answer is, successful people have the desire.
Others succumb to failure. Successful people have the competence to change failure into
success. Successful people will fight defeat and failure. They can always mengambilmanfaat
from every walk of his travel. Many successful entrepreneurs, officials, and those other great
who started his career from a poor family.
As I know from the book 'struggle for success'. Lee
Myung-bak, a garbage man who becomes president. Ali an-Na'imi, a courier who became minister
of petroleum of Saudi Arabia. Brian Tracy, dishwasher determine who becomes a famous
writer ...
They are people who have high spirits. So, no word is impossible. All success starts
from yourself.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Three key success

I will post this time something important for your business. In business leaders and employee
relations to be good. As Maslow said, about how do you motivate your staff? How do you
motivate your members? How do you motivate your volunteers? The third question is perhaps
the most persistent question that managers often ask. Maslow describes the motivation of
three key statements:
Key One: You can not motivate others. The motivation is to work in and
your job as a manager is to arouse, stimulate, enable and provide the opportunity for
expression of internal motivation.
Key Second: Everyone motivated. Motivation is a high school
English and work in your job as a manager is to arouse, stimulate, enable and provide the
opportunity for expression of internal motivation. Teachers may doubt this, but when the bell
rang, you could get killed in the panic doors.
Three Keys: People do things for their reasons, not
yours. pleasure One man is poison to others. The causes, values and vision are significant
material internal motivation. If our values and the causes are not in tune with volunteers or
staff, we feel they are not motivated. Real key to motivation is to exploit, vision and spirit of
their values. Hopefully useful ...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The cause of those who failed

No dreams of the future, lazy, psimis, not willing to learn from the environment, fear of Mersa sick, lazy to try, do not want to take advantage of opportunities, always lamenting the failure, always expect help
from others,always see the work is hard, take care of other people's success, running from trouble, has no
ideals, ambition, focus, a strong passion for work. Hopefully we do not have the nature of the
above and from now on we have to face life with confidence and enthusiasm, then you work
will be lighter and one day we must be successful ...

My father was a teacher of my success

In this world man I respect most is my dad. Why? one of them is my father is him. But the most
important because the spirit is strong. My father was a defective (without legs). With a
remarkable zest for life struggling to earn a living without ever begging. My father worked as a
seamstress only clothes but can pay for my school until graduation. Until now, the spirit of life
to achieve success in life's journey inspired by my father. And though often times I fail, I keep
trying again and again. until at last I now have own business with 18 employees. In
conclusion, whatever your background, if you remain diligent, optimistic then you
must be successful ...

Success Is Destiny

My father once said, "Everything you can from without effort and price, so
he has no value. If you run, then run it is
one cause of failure you. As long as you keep trying and be ready to receive advice, dare to
learn and fight then you must be successful. The universe will follow wherever you go.
sometimes people can not succeed without passing through the failed and tired ".

Success Factors
The existence of the mission in your life, Keeping your time and do not give up in failure, the
atmosphere Avoiding boredom, commitment with a clear agenda, using the opportunity Clever,
Confident, Optimistic On The spirit and essence of life and your destiny is your own hands.
Work according to the rules and keep praying ...


Confidence is a very important capital to help facilitate us to get more money. Confidence is
not just to get a girlfriend or just be great. Confidence is an important factor for success, one
of them get money. The extent to which the role of confidence in making money? His role is
very big. What you have today is based on your confidence level so far. If you are able to
increase self-confidence, God willing, what you have or do will be better. OK, now we see, how
confidently we can make more money.
First: people who believe in themselves, because it
considers itself able to do something, he will be more trying. The logic is simple, more trying to
mean he would have a greater chance of success.
Opportunities that could be related to the problem is money, such as business opportunities,
opportunities that hard work, opportunity to get the project, teaching opportunities, speaking
opportunities, and various other opportunities that can generate money. The extent to which
you are trying opportunities will be directly proportional to your confidence level.
Second: People who are confident will have a better connection. He will be confident dealing
with others, including people who succeed once. If the social good and easy to relate, then the
friendship will go well. While friendship will bring good fortune. Already we see that
opportunities often come from the network. How are we going to have a chance if we do not
believe in ourselves to get into the network. Confident people will have more network means it
will have a greater chance for success. Third: people who believe in themselves will not hesitate
to sell. Being a salesman? One of them. but not only that, including selling itself to be a big
project, given the job, given the opportunity to speak, to sell themselves to give the business
capital, and including selling your products and services.

So obviously, confidence is not just appearance alone. Not just to attract the opposite sex. Not
just for hanging out. Confidence really sustain your financial success.

Great Business Plan

Many people who want a business but still confused how to start a business. It is also
frequently asked questions to me. Hopefully, many more Muslims who went into business, so
that more halal products, blessing, quality, and job opportunities. Actually there are several
ways. You can choose one in a manner consistent with the conditions and abilities. The question
is which way the most good?

Product Driven Business
Starts because you have a product or can access a product that can
be sold. For example, you meet a friend of a certain product manufacturers. After the chat, you
could actually sell these products so comes the idea to run a business selling these products.
Included in this way is when you have an idea based on the asset or your potential to produce
product. For example, a business idea that starts because you have the ability to produce a
particular product. Likewise, if the business was started from your hobby. For example, say
your hobby motor variations, then your business workshop variation of the motor. This
business is driven by the services or products according to your interests and expertise. What
is meant here is the products including services.

Market Driven
The second way is by looking at market opportunities. A businessman saw an
opportunity in a way to see market demand. Or he created the first market. After he was later
to provide products or services to fill these market opportunities. Many say, the second way
is the best way for better ensure success. We make products or services because the market
is ready to buy existing ones. Really? It could be and I was using this method.

Brilliant Business Ideas
Regardless of where you want to start, product or market. For me, the
important thing is the idea that business should be brilliant. Not just there. Not so original idea,
but the ideas that have been assessed by various criteria and points of view. Starting a
business has to start with a brilliant business idea. Please note, not a product or service idea,
but the business idea. Products or services can be the same, but the business must be different.
Not only look at the market and the potential that exists, but see more complete aspect.
Hopefully useful ...

Money and Lives

Money is the key. In our lives and as long as we live. Friends, family, self esteem, shopping,
travel, health, all require money. So, we have no reason to remain silent or get lazy. The road to
getting rich begins with saving at least 10 percent of everything you earn. This rule is ignored
only by those with money. Ten percent is not for a holiday or a fast car or a bigger house, but
to invest in assets that generate income and / or increase in value. Along with the increase in
total revenue, increased by ten percent and a small amount of your first time you start saving
money every week becomes larger and larger. Your wealth snowball with time. If you are not
rich I can assure you that you are not using this technique. If you are rich, there is a good
chance that using a technique or something very similar. I once read a book owned by George S.
Clason from wearing Richest man in Babylon. This is a book that should be essential reading for
anyone who has less than $ 10,000 in the bank. "Money is one of the most important subjects
of your entire life. Some of the greatest pleasures of life and most of the biggest
disappointments of life come from your decisions about money Are you having a big peace of
mind or constant anxiety will depend on getting your finances under control. ..

the business strategy

Make observations business internally and externally, that happened to this day, such as
financial performance, customer satisfaction, sales staff, marketing and sales trends,
conversion, productivity and so forth. Look at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats related to your business. Understand good business strategy to sell a unique and ideal
for the customer. Also understand the business environment, competitors and the market you
aim at. Is your market share, how do you expect the market growth, and change what
happened in the market. Note also the trend of political, economic, social and technology that
could impact on your business. It is important for you to be realistic, critical and objective in
conducting this analysis.
Determine the long-term vision for your business and identifying what is to be achieved within
5 to 10 years or the period you select. You may want to increase sales and profit of x%, to
create value in your business, so you can sell for a certain amount or may want to keep your
business in current conditions. If you want growth, perhaps your business strategy to increase
market share, expand product range, investing in technology, getting investment, changing the
business structure. See where the business purpose is an opportunity to challenge the status
quo of your business, stepped outside the box and think creatively.
The next business strategy, identifying how you will achieve it. Look at every area of your
business, determine what changes need to be done to achieve long-term vision. Determine the
best way to implement the changes. Create an action plan of what you should do and when.
Finally, begin to implement action plans Anda.Review your strategy regularly. Review long-term
strategy on a regular basis to ascertain whether the plan is still relevant or not. Have a good
thinking through long-term business strategy will give you and your business run more focused
and directed. This will help you significantly with business planning, time management and
running your business from day to day.

An honest business benefits

Business development is very useful for life. Among them to charity, kuluarga, and harmony to
make friends. And the most important thing is to self-esteem and health. So, there is no reason
for us lazy in running the business and the business. If you do not have the treasure, then you
will be humiliated by others. Conversely, if you are rich then you would get the honor. All you
have to remember is running the business and keep business with honesty and do not cheat,
your business relations will definitely shrink. And your business will continue to run
smoothly ...

business strengths

Living the business world is not easy. Suda be ups and downs are common. What we must
remember is how we can survive and struggling to get maximum results. Did you ever see a
large rock-breaking workers? He hit the rock with a big hammer a few times. And finally the
rock is shattered. What do you think? Actually, the stone was not due to the outbreak of the
last blow, but by all the blows from a stone breaker first. As in business, you should keep
trying until you succeed. Do not despair middle of the road. Stay spirit and good luck ...

behind success failure

Everyone wants to succeed in their respective businesses, so people trying to which best fits
their ability level, but not all businesses succeed with success, not everyone can really achieve
success. What distinguishes just how much desire and our effort to really work it. What is
your motivation to succeed is to make you sleep more nights and get up earlier?. Occasionally
you might get a fruit that fell, but more often you get a fruit with a buy it with your business
or treated to a friend. And a good friend like that also need effort to get it. Many people who
are unable to get good friends too. Are you sure if we are trying as best we can and to pray
we can still make it more likely success? Are you sure that you have done their best? Are you
sure you can not do a little more repair business? Are you going to start a business to be better
now? Definite answer to every question above should be 'yes'. Which falls in the hands of
someone who has a strong motivation and able to make it an act or action, will make a big
difference. While not respond at all for example by not answering in the hearts of even mean three
minutes later than now been in vain